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MLT - Gore Open Pairs
Gore Contract Bridge Club Open Pairs 8B...
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- Pam Strang 16360 GoreGarry Froger 38775 Gore
- Hennie Pay 26502 GoreMY NZBCaroline Morris 27324 GoreMY NZB
- Lee Davies 30795 InvercargillMY NZBNoeline Eason 14505 Winton
- Elizabeth Van Der Linden 14318 West OtagoMY NZBAnita Dynes 14254 West OtagoMY NZB
- Graham Dale 59991 BalcluthaMY NZBVivienne Clifford-Marsh 60054 BalcluthaMY NZB
- Dianne Carruthers 13928 TaieriMY NZBRobert Gillanders 6985 Taieri
- Christine Samson 72063 OtagoMY NZBLynette M Clark 65796 OtagoMY NZB
- Rae Dorricott 74582 WintonMY NZBMuriel Mathieson 65795 Winton
- Andrew McLennan 61102 CromwellMY NZBVivienne Willson 69010 CromwellMY NZB
- Dianne Evans 74554 WintonMY NZBRon Evans 74547 Winton
- Tony Winters 18534 InvercargillMY NZBRichard Hishon 27921 WintonMY NZB
- Beverley Campbell 51484 GoreMY NZBAynslee Matheson 13145 GoreMY NZB
- Sue Scott 26235 InvercargillMY NZBRobyn Reidie 19074 InvercargillMY NZB
- David Briggs 13178 GoreMY NZBAlan Muir 13164 Gore
- Margaret Miller 27296 GoreMY NZBKay Graham 27297 GoreMY NZB
- Gillian Alexander 30190 OtagoMY NZBAnn Wood 18593 OtagoMY NZB
- Sue McGowan 13120 GoreMY NZBTony Cockerill 4245 GoreMY NZB
- Robyn Hellier 27286 GoreMY NZBLynley Marwick 74577 West OtagoMY NZB
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