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Volunteer of The Month

  Richard Andrew.

We were poised in April to make New Zealand Bridge’s regular Volunteer of the Month Award though, with our bridge clubs shut, no presentation could be made. Therefore, our April award is being made a couple of months’ late. It is still very relevant.

This nomination is from the Howick Bridge Club with words from club President, Pat Williams.

Richard Andrew     Howick Bridge Club

"As President of the Howick Bridge Club I would like to nominate Richard Andrew for “Volunteer of the Month”.

Richard has been a Howick Bridge Club member for over 30 years and a committee member for the past 6 years, currently in the position of Vice President.

Richard quietly volunteers his time and efforts to include the responsibility and management of our Club’s computer software and backup, as well as Club and Tournament points notification to Bridge NZ, Club Maintenance, Director and card dealing, Tournament scoring, and is actively involved as one of our "Bridge for Beginners” tutors.

His computer expertise was recently called upon during a week- long club computer outage which resulted in his arranging and overseeing the repair of said computer system and updating the computer with the subsequent manual scoring data.

As well, Richard has been involved in recent discussions with Auckland City Council regarding our recent update of the club’s Fire Alarm System.  He has spent many hours overseeing the workers contracted to update the club’s compliance.

Richard is highly regarded by all members of Howick Bridge Club.  He is quiet and thoughtful and gives his time generously for the betterment of the club and its members.  

The Howick Bridge Club Committee consider Richard would be a worthy recipient of Volunteer of the Month”.

Richard Andrew.jpg
Richard, helping out.... on kitchen duties!

and New Zealand Bridge agrees with you, Pat. Richard is always there to help in any way he can, always cheerful, always helpful and has, for instance, always been one to put up his hand and assist at the many Youth Bridge tournaments which have been held at the Howick Bridge Club in recent years.

He can now be seen directing with Tony Morcom at the once a month Auckland Inter-Club competition.

He is a great volunteer for the Howick Bridge Club and a very worthy recipient of this award.

If your club has a person whom you think would be worthy of receiving this award, please let me know by emailing me on    and nominations from club committees, please... and of course, keep it as a surprise from the nominee. We like to surprise them at a presentation.

Richard Solomon

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