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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 105

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Included this week:

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National Congress

  • We talk about the changes of the programme
  • Accommodation is being found in Cambridge

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  • Anyone want a chef’s job 
  • We can refer you

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  • Larry Cohen
  • Our last segment with Larry Cohen is aired
  • Fantastic of him to give us his valuable time
  • Check out his website  - Bridge with Larry Cohen
  • Maze Balls

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  • Judge Julie talks about psyches
  • That hurt my heart!!!

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  • Mereana coughed up an apology over the weekend
  • Glares at the table
  • How do you dig yourselves out of the trenches when things are going South



  • Matamata Open and Christchurch Teams


Happy Bridge everyone


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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg