To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.
Otago Autumn Open Pairs
Otago Autumn Open Pairs (0.92MB)
LATE CHANGES - please contact Lindsay 021 106 2491
Please note discounted fee if you are playing both days
$35 if playing Autumn Open Pairs only
$65 per person if also playing Teams
Please pay your entry fee to Otago Bridge Club 06-0911-0020619-03 (reference name & NZB number) by Wednesday 10 April
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- John Sheehy 62480 OtagoMY NZBPaidRobert Cowan 71822 TaieriMY NZBPaid
- Maria Godfrey 31544 OtagoMY NZBPaidSusie Lawless 31540 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Murray Barron 5914 OtagoMY NZBPaidDavid Larsen 40755 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Arleen Schwartz 15150 OtagoMY NZBPaidChris Ackerley 1257 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Margaret Perley 62914 OtagoMY NZBPaidPaul Freeland 62908 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Philip Noye 63268 OtagoMY NZBPaidMarilyn Noye 63450 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Dianne Carruthers 13928 TaieriMY NZBPaidRobert Gillanders 6985 TaieriPaid
- Tony Winters 18534 InvercargillMY NZBPaidDebbie Cooper 19033 InvercargillMY NZBPaid
- Moss Wylie 61127 InvercargillMY NZBPaidGreg Buzzard 19081 InvercargillMY NZBPaid
- Kevin Farnden 6158 OtagoPaidWyn Jones 63045 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Kaye Wilson 64636 OtagoMY NZBPaidLorraine Peacock 8648 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Brad Johnston 39272 OtagoMY NZBPaidLydia Turley 46814 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Graeme Stout 16340 OtagoMY NZBPaidPamela Nisbet 1262 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Peter Hall 59572 OtagoMY NZBPaidPeter McCaskill 11356 OtagoMY NZBPaid
- Samuel Coutts 31552 OtagoMY NZBMatthew McManus 46311 ChristchurchMY NZBPaid
- Max Robb 14495 ChristchurchMY NZBBill Mecchia 11935 ChristchurchMY NZB
- Murat Genc 63283 OtagoMY NZBPaidAnne Somerville 62162 InvercargillMY NZBPaid
- Michael Johnstone 9407 TimaruMY NZBPaidPaula Gregory 56372 TimaruMY NZBPaid
- Frances Sheehy 15401 OamaruMY NZBPhillip Hensman 72501 QueenstownMY NZB
- Ernie Sutton 29227 QueenstownMY NZBPaidMarilyn Jackson 61101 InvercargillMY NZB
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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament? Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.