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Auckland King's Birthday Congress Intermediate/Junior Pairs

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  • Peter Hoskin 36825 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Kathrine Fraser 36824 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Jan France 38965 Warkworth
    MY NZB
    Alan France 40053 Warkworth
    MY NZB
  • Heather Robertson 42382 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Alan Walpole 35997 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Lynn Bartram 48156 Auckland
    Liz Carnachan 48157 Auckland
  • James Ling 51522 NZ Youth
    MY NZB
    Joseph Tan 51528 NZ Youth
    MY NZB
  • Jan Brown 3143 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Darshani Jayasinghe 39803 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Alison Adamson 39381 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
    Linley Barrack 45152 North Shore
    MY NZB
  • Cecilia Clarke 37336 Royle Epsom
    MY NZB
    Sue Cockcroft 37337 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Roberta Brocklehurst 21160 Auckland
    Patricia McCallig 33923 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Neil Horsfield 51562 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Helen Smith 51563 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Estelle Arts 21761 Royle Epsom
    MY NZB
    Steve Laidlaw 44332 Royle Epsom
    MY NZB
  • David Hay 58987 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Jacinda Manconi 32978 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Paula McTaggart 52641 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Juan Van Tol 50995 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Ross Longney 56598 Warkworth
    MY NZB
    Richard Norburn 42497 Warkworth
    MY NZB
  • Ming Zhu 1630 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
    Grace Yin 51869 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
  • Susan Steedman 41147 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Carol Bearsley 39115 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Sharon Gray 54649 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Tom Mulvey 31184 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Mandy Kelly 38457 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Susan Nunweek 38451 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Deirdre Oliver 39983 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
    Robin Stevenson 1258 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
  • Jody Burchall 51578 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Thomas Freeman-Greene 51590 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Suzy Hails 48051 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Pam Browne 1108 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Kerri McCrae 3653 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Bill Leach 4318 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Rosemary Jackson 39482 North Shore
    MY NZB
    Heather Richards 49845 North Shore
    MY NZB

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