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Canterbury Inter-Provincial Trials (Intermediate, Rangiora)

pdf Canty IP Trials 2021 (0.07MB)

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  • Dave Lawrence 34450 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Lizzy Hornsey 34443 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Margaret Fraser 16117 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Helen Bremner 58597 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Ian Beattie 32124 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Rex Green 25371 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Jenny Ross 3610 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Madge Baker 21264 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Babs-Merel de Visser 17640 Kaikoura
    MY NZB
    Leon Meier 33091 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Jeff Bergman 22679 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Rhondda Bergman 22678 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Grant Patterson 65016 Timaru
    MY NZB
    Wendy Taggart 53544 Timaru
    MY NZB
  • Tony Quinlivan 48647 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Stuart Grant 48428 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Cath Preen 13898 Timaru
    MY NZB
    Anne-Marie Pavletich 65112 Timaru
    MY NZB
  • Julia Thomas 27847 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Catherine Fitchett 38160 Christchurch
    MY NZB
  • Sandy Close 33060 Christchurch
    MY NZB
    Gill Dallison 33061 Christchurch
    MY NZB

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