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Waikato Area Pairs (4)
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- Beth Mann 26939 KatikatiMY NZBArthur Mann 26938 Katikati
- Rosemary Ward 17713 PutaruruBrenda Buckeridge 38008 PutaruruMY NZB
- Eileen Barker 6068 PutaruruMY NZB
- Ella Gray 30450 TaupoMY NZBMichael Neels 64504 CambridgeMY NZB
- Ted Cliffin 20252 ThamesMY NZBBarbara McFarlane 11501 ThamesMY NZB
- Josie McKenzie 31388 ThamesMY NZBPat Johansen 42068 ThamesMY NZB
- Judith Bishop 2520 ThamesMY NZBMary-Ellen Newton 31607 ThamesMY NZB
- Irenee Stewart 42606 CambridgeMY NZBLeonie Sentch 29057 CambridgeMY NZB
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