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East Coast Bays Open Pairs

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  • Alice Young 35999 Akarana
    MY NZB
    George Sun 33854 Akarana
    MY NZB
  • Wayne Gyde 7563 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Alan Dormer 1610 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Sue Brown 3168 Kerikeri
    MY NZB
    Bob Brown 3114 Kerikeri
  • Emma Russell 2503 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    John Craig 3165 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Steve Boughey 2748 Akarana
    MY NZB
    William Liu 1458 Akarana
    MY NZB
  • Bigi Cameron 48052 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    K.C. Lee 25412 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Peter Green 15717 Orewa
    MY NZB
    Kathryn Shannon 49906 Archive
    MY NZB
  • Sue Cohen 21826 Royle Epsom
    MY NZB
    Nicoletta Bartoli 39357 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Hafizur Khan 45154 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Neil Beckett 14209 Papatoetoe
    MY NZB
  • Heather Brown 3134 North Shore
    Vicki Abraham 17503 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
  • John Buckleton 25761 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Douglas Russell 15492 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Trish Young 37598 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Sharon Marryatt 32251 Auckland
    MY NZB

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