To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.

Waitemata Junior Pairs (F2F)

 Waitemata Bridge Club (Inc)

Covil Park, 56 Covil Ave, Te Atatu South

 Waitemata Junior 3B TOURNAMENT

This is special Junior single afternoon session Face to Face Tournament

Saturday 12th August 2023

3B Junior

Tea and coffee available from 1pm     Start 1.30pm

 Entrance Fee - $20.00

 NZ Bridge Systems Cards must be used

 Register on the NZ Bridge site or by email to

 Complimentary refreshments all afternoon

Raffles with Good Prizes

Refreshments after Play

Tournament fees can be paid online to

Bank Account 12-3039-0879466-00 using your name as referene

Export entry list as: Excel

  • Jacqui Hanson 1379 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Phyllis Weaver 3415 Waitemata
    MY NZB
  • Suzanne Edlin 2088 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Dorothy Price 4358 Waitemata
  • Ilan Tur Shalom 49670 Waitemata
    Sim Tur Shalom 49671 Waitemata
  • Carina Sim-Smith 51061 Howick
    MY NZB
    Mark Sim-Smith 51071 Howick
    MY NZB
  • Darryl Thompson 55270 Waitemata
    Alexis Newcombe 55269 Waitemata
  • Michelle Vincent 52830 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Brenda Jones 52821 Archive
    MY NZB
  • Suzanne Holden 21896 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Dave Cray 55266 Waitemata
    MY NZB
  • Alan Hunter 50081 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Judith Hey 50082 Waitemata
    MY NZB
  • Julie Jones 45135 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Sharon Gray 54649 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Pam Wong 44223 Waitemata
    MY NZB
    Daniel Wong 44228 Waitemata
    MY NZB

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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as  Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament?  Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.
Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg