Self Funded Teams
Updated April 21 2011
1. There are a number of instances where NZ Bridge is invited to endorse Teams to International Events where our budget does not permit us to finance such entries.
2. Such events include (without limitation):
- Commonwealth Games Teams
- Asia Cup
- Yeh Brothers Cup
- APBF(e.g. additional Teams to 1 NZ Bridge-funded Team per category, noting that currently the APBF regulations permit 1 entry per Category for all Sections but with up to 3 additional Senior Teams permitted at the invitation and discretion of the APBF Organising Committee)
3. NZ Bridge will post such invitations on the website and invite submissions of interest from Teams / Pairs wishing to participate. All submissions forwarded must include the email contact details for each player / participant, and in the case of Teams entries must designate one player / participant as Captain.
Alternatively if expressions of interest have been received initially from pairs NZ Bridge will, as a condition of any approval given to participate as a Team, designate one player / participant as Captain.
Teams may if they so choose elect to have a fully self funded Non Playing Captain.
4. Requests to participate as a Self Funded Team are subject in every case to formal approval at the discretion of the NZ Bridge Board, which may decline any such application on any occasion without assigning any reason. In the eventuality that the Board is prepared to accept and approve more applications in any instance than there are available spots the Board may, at its sole discretion, either make a selection or offer intended entrants an opportunity to self organise ( and fund ) a play-off.
5. Entrants selected will be required to self fund entirely and to participate at their own risk, and are required to make independent arrangements to purchase suitable private Travel Insurance cover.
Compliance with this requirement is mandatory but is the responsibility of each individual team member to discharge.
6. NZ Bridge will not be accountable in instances where event organiser's commitments to assist participants are not met.
7. Each individual participant in a selected Team will be required to sign a copy of the current NZ Bridge Code of Conduct and to act at all times consistent with expectations of the Board and the terms of that document.
Code of Conduct documentation, duly executed, must be in the hands of the National Secretary not later than 14 days after advice of selection, and prior to departure for the event.
Alister Stuck
National Secretary