Clubs affiliated with New Zealand Bridge Inc
Otago (622)
622 Otago Bridge Club - Otago Southland Region
PO Box 2037 Dunedin South 9044
Contact Us
Phone : 03 455 4464Email :
Website :
Results :
Address :
100 Otaki St,South Dunedin, Dunedin, NZ 9012
Club President
Name : Murray BarronPhone : (03) 467-9081
Email :
Club Manager/Secretary
Name : Dawn CopePhone : 027 275 5981
Email :
Club Events
- Otago Festival Pairs26 January 20255AOpen
- Otago Autumn Teams12 April 20255AOpen
- Otago Autumn Intermediate Pairs13 April 20255BIntermediate
- Otago Autumn Open Pairs13 April 20255AOpen
- Otago Junior Pairs18 May 20253BJunior
- Otago Swiss Pairs 12 July 20255AOpen
- South Island Teams (F2F) 30 August 202520AOpen
- Otago/Southland Congress Intermediate Pairs25 October 20255BIntermediate
- Otago/Southland Congress Open Pairs25 October 202510AOpen
- Otago/Southland Congress Intermediate Teams26 October 20255BIntermediate
- Otago/Southland Congress Open Teams26 October 202510AOpen
- Nina Hewitt Christmas Pairs7 December 20253AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago Festival Pairs25 January 20265AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago Autumn Teams11 April 20265AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago Autumn Intermediate Pairs12 April 20265BIntermediate
- Unconfirmed Otago Autumn Open Pairs12 April 20265AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago Junior Pairs17 May 20263BJunior
- Unconfirmed Otago Swiss Pairs 2 August 20265AOpen
- Otago/Southland Congress Open Pairs24 October 202610AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago/Southland Congress Intermediate Pairs24 October 20265BIntermediate
- Otago/Southland Congress Open Teams25 October 202610AOpen
- Unconfirmed Otago/Southland Congress Intermediate Teams25 October 20265BIntermediate
- Unconfirmed Nina Hewitt Christmas Pairs6 December 20263AOpen
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