Opening 1NT with a void - alert ?

Hi all

I have a player in our club who will open 1NT with a void.   This isn't covered on page D60 of the NZB Manual.

I presume his partner should not announce but alert the opening, and then if asked explain as "12-14, could contain a void".

(I guess this also implies that if partner bids the void, opener will bid further.)

Clarification please.

- Giles

Started by GILES HANCOCK on 02 Mar 2021 at 05:06PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN02 Mar 2021 at 05:18PM

    I agree with your interpretation Giles
    Clearly not balanced so could easily influence the opps bidding and or play

  2. Carol Cornelius03 Mar 2021 at 11:14AM

    I interpret the manual as "12-14, could contain a void" should be announced, not alerted.

    I'm basing this on:

    1. Tradition. In my admittedly limited experience, players who play unbalanced 1NT tend to announce e.g. "12-14, could contain a 5-card major/6-card minor/void". (Just because this is done by some players doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, of course.)
    2. Pedantism. The phrase "No further announcement is required" in the notes under the 1NT announcement on page D60 leads me to assume that in the event of any other, unnatural, distribution, it should be "further announced".


  3. GILES HANCOCK03 Mar 2021 at 05:15PM

    Hmm.   Reading D60.   I don't think this 1NT is "Natural" and so it should be an alert.

  4. SEAN LYNCH03 Mar 2021 at 06:06PM

    For a natural 1NT opening bid:  "12 to 14" (or the appropriate range) Note: A 1NT opening bid that could contain a single (an unbalanced hand) is considered a natural 1NT opening bid if the partnership are prepared to play in 1NT or be transferred to their singleton suit and play there. It is alerted by announcing as above and no further announcement is required.

    I would interpret that the same would apply for a partnership agreement where the hand could contain a void as the hand still meets the definition of an unbalanced hand.  If a natural no trump could not contain a void then the general definition of an unbalanced hand would not have been referenced in the note. The key is what are their partnership agreements if transferred to the void. If they take no further action then it should be announced "12 to 14" or the appropriate range.

    Unbalanced : A hand that is not balanced nor semi-balanced.

    In theory,  they could have agreements to open 1NT with two voids and no further announcement would be required provided they are prepared to play in 1NT and to be transferred into one of their void suits.  

    If they have agreements to take further action when their partner transfers to their void suit then the bid should be alerted rather than a further announcement being made in my opinion to ensure no unauthorized information is transferred.

    In a related matter, their system card should be changed to RED, if not already done so, as having a partnership agreement to open an unbalanced 1NT does not comply with requirements for a GREEN or BLUE system

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