what lead?

In an ucontested auction that goes 1NT, 2NT, 3NT what do you lead from mthis hand and why please?


Started by JENA ROBINSON on 16 Nov 2020 at 06:21PM

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  1. Brad Johnston17 Nov 2020 at 12:30AM

    I lead a low spade.

    The opponents should have ~25 HCP for this sequence; which leaves partner with at most 3.
    The opponents didn't look for a M suit fit, so dummy will likely be balanced or have a long minor.

    For leading a top spade to be appreciably better than leading a low spade, we need one of:
    One of declarer/dummy to have an honour doubleton, which serves as a second stopper for declarer; when leading a top spade will get rid of it.
    Declarer/dummy to have QJ doubleton, and partner to have Txx(x).
    Partner to have Axxxxx clubs, and them to be running.

    However, we have no points in either red suit; and it's likely that they're both running. If they have 1 spade stopper they might well be making game, with 1S, 1C, 3/4 H, and 3/4/5 Ds. Therefore I look for the immediate sets; and leading a low S caters to partner having Qx and them being 3-3, or declarer misguessing from dummy (inserting the T from QTx; on the presumption that you could have lead from AJxxx or KJxxx in two versions, but AKxxx in only one version).

  2. JENA ROBINSON05 Dec 2020 at 09:24PM

    How would people open this hand please?


    Board 12
    Dlr: W
    Vul: N-S
  3. STANLEY ABRAHAMS27 Feb 2022 at 06:37PM

    It appears that noone has any bridge problems these days, as the forums are empty. Try this from last week.

    You hold. J865, A83, 93, T976.

    The bidding is RHO 1NT, (12-14)   Pass, LHO 3NT All pass.

    What is your lead?

    Cheers Stan

  4. Brad Johnston02 Mar 2022 at 10:18AM

    Interesting choice of posting a new problem hand into an old forum post Stan, but this is a clearcut AH lead

  5. STANLEY ABRAHAMS02 Mar 2022 at 02:41PM

    Many thanks Brad, I thought everyone was gone.

    Great answer, which is what I wanted.

    However when dummy goes down, partner has to make a decision.The dummy holds K9 of Spades, and J6 of Hearts. Partner holds AQ742 of Spades, and T742 of Hearts.

    I have  2 questions.

    1. Playing standard Count and/or attitude, how should partner indicate that they want a Spade next, and how will both players avoid blockage in the Spade suit.

    2. Same questions, but now you are playing Reverse Count/attitude.

    We were not able to solve this at the table, nor in the bar afterwards. Hopefully you and or other readers may be able to help.

    Cheers Stan

  6. Brad Johnston02 Mar 2022 at 03:22PM

    I don't see the problem here, what's wrong with:

    1. Playing standard Count and/or attitude, how should partner indicate that they want a Spade next, and how will both players avoid blockage in the Spade suit.

    Partner plays the 2 of hearts (discoraging). This isn't a suit-preference situation whatsoever. 

    Here I'll plead ignorance as to standard signals. When switching from an honour, does a high or a low pip show interest? Regardless, the opening leader can afford either the 8 or the 5 (whichever shows positive attitude in spades) without blowing the position. The J is incorrect, as you might need to catch Txxx in declarer's hand.

    But S to Q, AS—the suit isn't blocked as long as leader's first two cards aren't the 5 & 6; and see point below.

    2. Playing UDCA, just replace the 2 of hearts (discouraging) with the T of hearts. Then leader switches to a positive 5 of spades. That goes to the Q and A samesies. 

    It's safe for leader to unblock the 8S on the second round, given that declarer's just followed with the T on the second round and the 9 was in dummy.


    Given that leader has shown positive attitude for spades (whicheverso conventionally) advancer can then play them for an original Jxxx by leading a low one to the J, and overtake the 6 with the 7.

  7. STANLEY ABRAHAMS02 Mar 2022 at 03:47PM

    Thanks Brad.

  8. NICK WHITTEN06 Mar 2022 at 08:10AM

    My choice of opening lead would be to follow the advice for "Improvers" on this website which says 

    against notrumps
    Lead longest suit
    prefer a major to a minor

    Therefore I  lead a spade

    I would welcome anyone who leads H ace to a game of rubber at my place
    and bring plenty of cash cool

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