5-card 1NT -- alert?

Do we have to alert a weak 1NT if it might hold a weak major? Our system card says possible 5-card major, so do we have to say that?


Started by MARSHA WOODBURY on 30 Oct 2020 at 09:09AM

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  1. Brad Johnston30 Oct 2020 at 09:31AM

    Hey Marsha,

    This has been updated as recently as 12th May this year, so it's something that people may not be 100% aware of yet. Reading the description of the clarification below answers your question:

    Alerting of 1NT
    The alerting regulation regarding 1NT bids have been clarified. If the bid is natural i.e. there is a willingness to play in NT, then it is alerted by announcing the point range. The hand does not need to be balanced and may contain a 5-card major or a singleton. The test is whether the partnership is willing to play in NT.


    So because you're opening 1NT and are willing/prepared to play in 1NT, the bid is natural and you don't need to alert it (you still need to announce the HCP range). If you were a pair who played something like a 1NT opening bid was 10-15 HCP and 5-5 in the minors [I don't know why you would], that would need an alert beyond simply stating '10-15'.

    The reason for this is that the announcing regulations cover all 1C opening bids (precision, acol, standard american, moscito, etc); but only natural 1NT opening bids. 


    In the interest of active ethics, some people announce slightly more than just the HCP range for 1NT opening bids; but this is going beyond what's expected. For example, with one of my partners the 1NT announcing is usually "15-17 ish, balanced-ish"; with another one it's "A good 14 to 17, can be semi-balanced". 

    This lets the opponents know that it's not a "down the line" pure balanced 15-17 NT; and if the distinctions about our opening ranges or shapes becomes material to their decisions, they're forewarned that maybe they should enquire a bit more about them.

    I hope this makes some sense,

  2. MARSHA WOODBURY30 Oct 2020 at 11:14AM

    Wonderful! Thanks so much.

  3. Marcus Dudley29 Dec 2021 at 04:52PM

    No you do not have to alert it because your 1NT is natural and non-forcing (and can be passed out). If an opposition asks during their turn to make a bid whether it may contain a 5-card major then you must answer truthfully.

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