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  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Apr 2024

    for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others! It's Fri  day Keep in Touch. It is very easy when, against a no-trump contract,  you have AK of a long suit to lead both top honours without thinking of the consequences.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Apr 2024

    Fearing the Worst. At times, we are taught to be optimistic at the bridge table. Then, there are the times when we fear the worst might happen. Which of these statements do you think apply below when the stakes are high in this 3NTx contract?... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Apr 2024

    In whom do you trust? Tricky Trick 3! Often it is the opening lead which sets declarer onto a path of success or of failure. Not so, today. It’s all about what happened at trick 3. Are you going to succeed or fail? South... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    17 Apr 2024

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Apr 2024

    A first tournament win. Do you remember your first tournament win? For those fortunate enough to have won tournaments, the answer almost certainly is “yes”. Like one’s first A Point, it is a rather special feeling, one to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Apr 2024

    A strong opponent! Beware or ignore! Strong No Trump openings are not what they used to be. For many years, they would not contain less than 16 hcp and were a bid to be reckoned with, to be feared/respected. Now, they do not seem quite so... read more here

  • News from the Chair

    15 Apr 2024

      Newsletter No 2 for 2024 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Apr 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri   day. Take the guess (and the stress ) out of the finesse. Do your finesses always seem to go wrong? Well, they do not even if it seems they do. However, there... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Apr 2024

    A Grand Journey. Recently, in an A Point Tournament, among 24 pairs who sat North/South, only two pairs reached any slam and only one reached grand-slam. 13 tricks were easy to make. I thought it would be instructive if the Panel gave some... read more here

  • Baden Wilson Competition- Position Year To Date

    10 Apr 2024

      Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Apr 2024

    When a Guess is a Certainty. Some guesses are more certain than others. In view of that, it was strange that more declarers did not make the 3NT contract on the deal below. The omens early on looked bad for the declarer: East... read more here

  • Ranks Report -Postion Year To Date

    10 Apr 2024

    Details Here read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    10 Apr 2024

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Top 200 - All Time Masterpoint Earners List

    10 Apr 2024

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Apr 2024

    A “Five Level Leap”. The opposition are not vulnerable and have bid or implied the possession of three suits. We, have suggested game in the fourth. The Panel have a choice of action in what is likely to be the “pass out”... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Apr 2024

    Kiwis on top in Trans Tasman Challenge The second round of the Trans- Tasman Challenge took place last Friday evening and produced another good set of results for the 8 New Zealand teams. All 8 New Zealand teams recorded victories, the biggest... read more here

  • Free Online Youth Lessons

    7 Apr 2024

    Exciting news! The Australian Bridge Federation is generously offering free online youth lessons to young people in New Zealand. It's a fantastic chance to learn Bridge from the talented teacher, Paul Marston. Classes start on 1st May with two... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Apr 2024

    for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players...and others! It's Fri Day Make the best of a bad bid! Well, you have got to, haven’t you? The bidding is in the past. You have reached the wrong game contract and you could be heading for a... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Apr 2024

    Counting to 12!  Although North got to bid diamonds first naturally, it was South who became declarer in the ambitious 6D contract below. North DealsNone Vul ♠ A J 9 ♥ 3... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Apr 2024

    Two Ways Home. Today’s deal came from the final round of the Auckland Easter Teams and gave both declarers a little headache. They were to solve it in different ways. South DealsBoth Vul    ... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    3 Apr 2024

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Apr 2024

    Slam made: Team undefeated. Two most consistent days at the Auckland Club’s Easter Teams saw the team of Steph and Tom Jacob and Kevin Hu and Jerry Chen go through the 9 rounds x 13 board match event unbeaten to win by over 18 vps. Those... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Mar 2024

    “Run, Rabbit, Run”  especially for new players. On Easter or any other day. While one usually passes with none or very few high-card points, there are times when one just has to bid. You are South and your partner has just... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Mar 2024

    Guiding partner. no flash slam! Both defenders played a potentially wrong card on today’s deal but in each case, their partner was able to steer the defence back on course. It was in a “bread and butter” part-score deal. In... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Mar 2024

      Trans- Tasman Challenge Returns. A reformed Trans-Tasman Challenge started last night with the first of 8 x 16 board matches between top Australian and New Zealand teams. Teams can have up to 8 players so as to cut down on the need for... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    27 Mar 2024

      Link to this weeks show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Mar 2024

      You are on your own: you know that! Partner is there just to follow suit. The signs look ominous. What can you do to beat the contract? West DealsNone Vul ♠ A J 6 ♥ 10 5... read more here

  • Trans-Tasman Challenge

    26 Mar 2024

    Link to website detailing  kibitzing options and where results will be posted read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Mar 2024

    A Big S(win)g in Rotorua. The team of Liz and Blair Fisher, Alan Grant and Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin scored an emphatic win in the Kelly Peirse Memorial Teams at Rotorua on Saturday, winning all 6 of their matches and being 14.75 vps clear at the end.... read more here

  • WBF Online Women’s Spring Festival on BBO 8 – 14 April

    24 Mar 2024

    The WBF Online Women’s Spring Festival on BBO will be held from 8 – 14 April, with even more opportunities for women to play and enjoy the event. Extra sessions have been introduced to cope with the different time zones – and... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 Mar 2024

    for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players...and others! It's Fri day.  Keep your eye on the ball…. or else? Or else the news can be rather bad. At the risk of mixing metaphors, if you do not, you may find the horse has already... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Mar 2024

      A Reputation in Tatters. They say “one success does not make a summer” or maybe they do not! Yes, I know, it was a swallow but there are no swallows playing bridge, to my knowledge! This, though, was a hard pill to swallow!... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Mar 2024

    A Time for care….and flair! When one’s opponents are in an unusual contract, one they should not make, your task as a defender is not to offer them any slim chance of making, if you can. On today’s deal, North-South were... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    20 Mar 2024

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Mar 2024

    Choices? Balanced hands after a take-out double can usually be handled reasonably easily. What though when we, the responder to a take-out double, are unbalanced and strong? An interesting auction developed on the deal below.  ... read more here

  • National Congress 28 Sept to 5 Oct 2024

    19 Mar 2024

      Keep these dates free NZBridgeA4_congressposter24.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Mar 2024

    North Island Teams: a “capital” tournament. The North Island Teams was held at the Wellington Bridge Club and had all the players could ask, strong competition, excellent catering and an exciting finish. The event was played in an... read more here

  • Congratulations to our recently promoted Grandmaster

    15 Mar 2024

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Mar 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri   day! Leading to and from. When we take a finesse, we start normally with the hand that does not hold the key honours. Honours may be split between the two hands... read more here

  • News from the Chair

    15 Mar 2024

    Details Here read more here

  • North Island Teams- 16-17 March - Wellington

    15 Mar 2024

      Link to Results read more here

  • Alan Taylor: a tribute

    14 Mar 2024

        Keen bridge players have enjoyed the writing of Alan Taylor. He has been writing about the game since the 1980s though most prominently from 1993 for some 20 years as Editor of the Daily Bulletins at our National Congress. Alan... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Mar 2024

    2023 Youth Bridge Weekend. Zarias Werder (far right) was one of the winners of events at that weekend and unsurprisingly is starting to make an impression on the tournament scene.  A Journey to Gold. When one starts one’s bridge... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Mar 2024

    Opposition help. There are times when pre-emptive bidding can tell the opposition too much. While it is possible that they would reach their top spot had the opposition not been so active, opponents’ actions can make it much easier for... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    13 Mar 2024

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Mar 2024

    The auction starts nice and gently but suddenly picks up at a frenetic pace. Can you keep up? It is your turn as North to bid…or pass. Any thoughts? Only East/West are vulnerable and everyone is having their say.  ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Mar 2024

    Tough but not Terminal. Bad trump breaks can be annoying but do not necessarily mean one cannot make one’s contract. Just look on them as a challenge! So, here is one for you: South DealsN-S Vul ♠ K Q... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Mar 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others! It’s Fri  day. A little lie and a lucky lie! Unfortunately, neither lie favoured West on today’s deal. Sometimes the luck goes your way: sometimes not. That’s... read more here

  • NZ Representitive Teams- World Bridge Games in Buenos Aires - October 2024

    8 Mar 2024

    Open Michael Ware Matthew McManus Geo Tislevoll Leon Meier Michael Whibley Matthew Brown Jonathan Westoby NPC Reserve Pair – Ashley Bach and Nick Jacob   Women Linda Cartner Glenis Palmer Mindy Wu Kate Terry Christine... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Mar 2024

    Two Different Points of View. It was not truly a level playing field but there were two very different points of view expressed when our two South players were faced with a troublesome piece of pre-emption in a recent Teams match. What they had... read more here

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