All News

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Oct 2023

    Anthony Ker The Practice Finesse. Kathy and Anthony Ker had a fine Congress especially in the New Zealand Open Pairs where they finished runners-up. Today, we see Anthony at work though this occurred at the back end of the week.... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -266

    4 Oct 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Baden Wilson Awards- Position year to date

    3 Oct 2023

    Updated to 30 Sept 2023 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Oct 2023

    Wishing and a’hoping! Well, we all do that when we make an opening lead. For most of the time, we wish and hope that our lead is not the only one which allows the contract to make…or that we do not suffer the agony of leading away... read more here

  • Ranks Report - 2023 Year to date

    3 Oct 2023

    Updated to 30 Sept 2023 read more here

  • Top All Time Masterpoint Award Winners

    3 Oct 2023

    Updated- 3 Oct 2023 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Oct 2023

    A “Week-full” of Bridge. Another National Congress has come to an end, successful for a few, hopefully enjoyable for many. There were around 630 players who took part at some point during the 8 days of bridge. For Ashley Bach and... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -265

    27 Sep 2023

    Link to the week's show read more here

  • Bulletins

    25 Sep 2023

    Latest Bulletin   2023 Bulletins ( read more here

  • Bulletin #3

    24 Sep 2023

    Click here for the Sunday bulletin ... who made the cut of the NZ Pairs finals!     We had a few technical issues with some of the pages - hopefully sort it out tomorrow.   2023 Bulletins ( read more here

  • Bulletins

    23 Sep 2023

    Bulletin - Saturay 23 September - enjoy!   Bulletin 2 - Saturday 23 Sept (1.99MB) read more here

  • National Congress

    23 Sep 2023

    NATIONAL CONGRESS RESULTS Results for events at National Congress are available here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Sep 2023

    Strong Jumps may not be but our National Congress is certainly here! If you are reading this bridge column, you will surely be aware that this Saturday sees the start of the 2023 National Bridge Congress at Bay Park, Mt Maunganui. There will be 8... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Sep 2023

      Five before Nine. Today’s battle is a familiar one with declarer looking for an extra trick in their 3NT contract while yours is to find five for the defence before they do so. Let’s start at trick 1: North... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -264

    20 Sep 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Sep 2023

    Kiwis v Australia: Match 7. The Trans -Tasman Challenge has been played out on line roughly once a month this year between New Zealand and Australian teams. Each New Zealand team (and vice versa) plays each of the 9 teams from the other country... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Sep 2023

    Warm-up and “on fire”! That’s one way to describe the past weekend for Christchurch’s David Taylor and Pavla Fenwick at their local club’s pre National Congress mini-Congress. With just a little help from Max... read more here

  • News from the Chair

    18 Sep 2023

      Our latest newsletter read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Sep 2023

    It’s Fri    Day: for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players …and others. The Difficult Area of High Level Bidding. It’s difficult for experienced players. So, it is very challenging for those newish to the game.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Sep 2023

                                Unlucky….or not? Before moaning about bad luck, a declarer should always be... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Sep 2023

                 is the risk worthwhile?          A Reason to bid above Game. Today, we give you the opportunity to make a bid not often used but can be rather successful when it is.... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -263

    13 Sep 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Sep 2023

    Nothing to bid: no fun! When you have no or few high cards and no support for your partner, then the best bid is “Pass”. Yet, there are times when this is just not possible. West DealsN-S Vul    ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Sep 2023

    Could this be dummy? We never put an 8-card card suit down in dummy, do we? It’s a common saying that a solid 8-card suit should never be put down as a side-suit in dummy. Well, what do you think about this heart suit? You are playing... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Sep 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players….and others. It's Fri day. Half Right meant Half Wrong! and “half wrong” meant that that North-South did not get the result they should have got from the deal we feature today. Your... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Sep 2023

    Youth Bridge Weekend 2023 New Zealand Bridge’s annual Youth Bridge Weekend took place over the weekend of September 1st to 3rd at the Christchurch Bridge Club. Today’s article features a report on the event by one of the organisers,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Sep 2023

    No Regrets. West had plenty of regrets at their choice of opening lead at the end of play on today’s deal. So, let’s look at the choice West had to make on this deal and see if you would have led what was chosen at the table and... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -262

    6 Sep 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Sep 2023

    Neil Dravitzki and Sonia Crawford, celebrating success at the table.  Farewell, Neil. Today’s article is not really a bidding problem but I thought I would give you one anyway. Today is a salute,  in memory of one of the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Sep 2023

    too many losers!. Loser Reduction. Jack James and George Masters recorded a clear win in the Waikato Bays Swiss Pairs at the Hamilton Bridge Club on Saturday. The following board produced good declarer play from Jack. How then would you play... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Sep 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate, Novice players and others. It's Fri day. Once in Everyone’s Lifetime. Maybe more than once if you play long enough! It is not too often that you pick up a hand like the following. Yet, many did earlier this week.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    31 Aug 2023

    Trans nationals in Marrakech. End Play End play in more ways than one as today’s deal comes from the Transnational Teams which was the consolation event for those teams who did not make the knock-out stages of the four events, Open, Women,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Aug 2023

      A "Grand" Hand. I was curious why recently most of a relatively small field in a tournament failed to advance higher than game when it seemed the main problem would be reaching grand rather than small slam. The hand you will see below is... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -261

    30 Aug 2023

    Link to this weeks show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Aug 2023

    South Island Pairs on-line. This event, played over the past weekend, attracted 52 pairs, a lower  number than other recent on-line events though would have been affected by the absence of those involved internationally in Morocco. Winners... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    28 Aug 2023

    Last Day Disappointment. The last day, the last two rounds, in such lengthy round-robins inevitably produce success for some, great disappointment for others. It would be nice to be able to report the former for our Open Team. Alas, no. The... read more here

  • One at 101

    27 Aug 2023

      It would be very rare that we give pride of place to the result of a 3A Open Pairs event but today is that day. Winners of the event, the Auckland Club’s 3A Billie Tohill Open Pairs,  held on 26th August, were none other than... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    27 Aug 2023

    Edging there slowly. That can be one way of describing the New Zealand Open Team’s attempt to reach the top 8 knock-out stage in the current World Championships. Three narrow wins have seen them remain 7th throughout the 7th day of the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Aug 2023

    Day 6 : a day of promise. A good or better day for all three Kiwi teams though all eyes are now on our Open Team who are in the top 8 and playing consistently well. A small loss to Israel was followed  by wins over USA 2 and Chile and they... read more here

  • South Island Pairs (Online) - 26-27 Aug 2023

    25 Aug 2023

      Link to results read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    25 Aug 2023

    Day 5 at Marrakesh: Our Open Team stay in contention. Two losses and one win may not seem that good an outcome for our Open Team on Day 5 but the losses, against strong opposition, were by just 2 and 6 imps while a great result was recorded... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    24 Aug 2023

    One up: Two down v the Australians. Day 4 at the World Championships It was a one win two loss day when all three of our teams took on our “old foe”. While both Open and Women’s teams had generally a good day, it was a real... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -260

    23 Aug 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    23 Aug 2023

    Day 3 at the World Championships: another day in contention. Both our Women and Mixed Teams had a result to forget on Day 3 but “the blips” were against strong opposition and were matched by wins or a close loss in their other... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    22 Aug 2023

    A Day of Promise – Day 2 at the World Championships. Although the results of the Open Team were a little disappointing, it was generally a good day for our teams in Marrakesh. Open     imps   vps... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    21 Aug 2023

    Day 1 at this year's World Championships in Marrakech, Morroco saw all three New Zealand teams in action. Our Open, Women and Mixed Teams are playing 3 matches of 16 boards per day over 8 days, 23 matches in all.   Our Women's Team:... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Aug 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri day. Few points: must act. Today’s deal is aimed at less experienced players but there is a lesson here for everyone. Sometimes, the hardest decisions at the... read more here

  • World Championships in Marrakech

    18 Aug 2023

    46th World Bridge Teams Championships....and the Kiwis are there! The World Championship competitions starts on Sunday, 20th August, in Marrakech, Morocco. New Zealand has three teams competing as follows:    a repeat of this,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Aug 2023

    Too low: loo high! Slamming Problems. Three slams in four successive boards recently with two making and only one bid…and you can guess which one was the only one bid, the one you should not make…and that one made! Is there... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Aug 2023

    Different Systems: Different Contracts. In theory, if we all played the same system and all bid the same way, we should reach the same contract, the only difference being the way we play and defend the board. Of course, bridge is much more... read more here

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