All News

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 May 2023

    An Awkward Two-Suiter. I thought life was easier when one holds spades, the “master-suit”. Not so. We have three suits between our two hands and yet the opposition are making it awkward to find our best fit.    ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 May 2023

    Leading partner’s suit: good or bad? Zone 7: Seniors. Match 2. The second half of the Zone 7 Seniors’ match between Australia and New Zealand took place last Saturday afternoon on Real Bridge. After 28 boards, New Zealand held a... read more here

  • Congress 2023- Clubs Promotion

    19 May 2023

    $500 for your Club Congress attendance.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 May 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It's Fri Day. A Strange Selection. Why would you ever want to choose a suit bid by your partner where you have only two cards in that suit and have three cards in your... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 May 2023

    The Route to a Making Game. On a different day, we might be debating the merits of opening the North hand below 1H. Such a good suit and just about the only suit you would not want your partner to lead were your side to end up as defending! Yet,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 May 2023

    A Kiwi Come-Back. The first half of the Seniors’ Zone 7 on-line play-off between Australia and New Zealand took place yesterday with New Zealand staging a fine recovery after a dismal first 14 boards which saw Australia lead 25-6. A... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -246

    17 May 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 May 2023

    or bid? First time at a high level. There is a useful guideline that when we introduce a new suit at the three level that the bid is forcing for at least one round. That’s fine for the three level but what about when the bid is made at the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 May 2023

    High scores at Christchurch events. The Christchurch Bridge Club held two 10A events and Intermediate/Junior events this past weekend. They attracted players from KeriKeri to Invercargill (and in-between!) with quality and quantity to the fore.... read more here

  • News of up-coming Zone 7 Seniors Play-Off

    15 May 2023

    ZONE 7 SENIORS PLAY-OFF BERWEEN NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA ZONE 7 Seniors Play-off between Australia and New Zealand will be played on    Tuesday 16th May, start 1pm NZ time, 2 X 14 boards, and Saturday 20th May, start 1pm NZ time,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 May 2023

    for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players...and others. It's Fri Day. Calming those Nerves! Well, bridge is not stress-free. While you all have, I hope, understanding partners, who will be most sympathetic when something goes wrong in your... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 May 2023

    Make Aggression Pay. Today’s deal seemed a little tricky both to reach game and then to make it. There were certainly losing options. How would you fare? South DealsNone Vul ♠ K J 7 ♥... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 May 2023

    4+2+3= 8! Having 9 tricks does not always mean it is easy to make 3NT. They can be awkward to unravel and if you are not careful, 9 could easily become 8. With that in mind, have a look at today’s deal. South DealsNone Vul... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -245

    10 May 2023

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 May 2023

    Too Aggressive? We all have, or maybe should have, unwritten rules about when to pre-empt. It is common to be “a little frisky” when the vulnerability is in our favour. However, what about when only our side is vulnerable? How good do... read more here

  • Remembering Tony Thomson

    9 May 2023

      Within the space of six months, New Zealand Bridge has lost four of its Life Members. In November 2022, we said farewell to Shirley Waymouth and in March 2023 to both Alan Turner and John Wignall. Last week, it was to Tony Thomson. Tony,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 May 2023

    Now is the hour. Overbidding can sometimes be rewarded with a helpful dummy, maybe even helpful defence or a fortunate lie of the cards. On other occasions, you need to find some way to avoid the inevitable defeat. The dummy below was not all... read more here

  • Tournament Session Charges Increase & New Sales & Marketing Role

    8 May 2023

    Bulletin 8 May 2023.pdf      Advertisment - Sales and Marketing Role.pdf read more here

  • Announcement. New Teaching and Learning Committee

    7 May 2023

      NZ Bridge is pleased to announce the establishment of a new Teaching and Learning Committee. Members of the Committee are: Douglas Russell (Chair) Kate Terry Anna Kalma Babs-Merel de Visser Shirley Newton Phil Noye   The... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 May 2023

    It's Fri  Day... for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players....and others! A Valuable Asset? We are on lead again, in the spotlight but are not leading blind or in hope. There’s been a bit of bidding from our partner… and that... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 May 2023

    A “Maybe” Slam. When opener shows a minimum hand and the responder is in the “maybe slam” zone, it is good to keep the bidding as low as you can to see if a slam move is warranted. Today’s deal raises questions in... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 May 2023

     A “No Go” Area? When the opposition show a flat 20-22 hcp hand to open the bidding, it is normally a “no go” area for the opposition. You would need something special to bid at the 3-level when 2NT is opened on your... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -244

    3 May 2023

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 May 2023

    may be easier! Easier than Declaring? If only we knew when that would be. When the opposition have bid aggressively and quickly to the 5-level, there is little time to decide. It’s Pairs and neither side is vulnerable. East... read more here

  • "Sorry Partner" featuring Pam Livingston

    1 May 2023

        New Zealand champion Pamela Livingston talks about finding your bridge passion and sharing that passion, why mentorship and access to resources are so important for the future of the game, and neurodiversity in... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 May 2023

    in the singular! Only One Loser. You certainly do not want that person to be you but that’s certainly the outcome you would like as you have propelled yourself to the 6-level and have bought yourself a not unreasonable dummy. “Fight... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Apr 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice Players…and others! It's Fri day.  No “Practice” Finesse. We love taking finesses…when they work! What? Yours always seem to fail? In that case, only take the ones you have to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Apr 2023

    A Rare Opportunity. When the opportunity to use a rare bid that has been in your “system tool-box” for 100+ years  comes up, do remember to use it. A shame if you forget. The same applies to the play of a hand. Such opportunities... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Apr 2023

    Debs repeats her on-line success. You only seem to have three losers but can you find ten winners in the following deal? The opposition are not going to make it easy for you! North DealsN-S Vul ♠ K 10 8 5... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -242

    26 Apr 2023

      Link to last week's show read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -243

    26 Apr 2023

    Link to this weeks show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Apr 2023

    ANZAC Weekend in Wellington. The Wellington Provincial Teams held on the weekend before ANZAC Day produced drama in the final round of 8 x 12 board matches. With one round left, it looked like the team of Michael Ware-Malcolm Mayer, Peter Newell... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Apr 2023

    It's Fri Day... for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players..and others! Finding the Best Defence. Quite often in this feature, we focus on the declarer trying find ways they can best make their contract. Not, though, today. West players will,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Apr 2023

    It’s a tough game! “A Cruel Game”…but for whom? Matthew McManus was one of the winners in the early April Auckland Easter Teams. Today, we will see that Matthew is not just a top-class director but also a pretty fine... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Apr 2023

    Not just one but…. Handling a double void. When today’s deal occurred, my right-hand opponent sitting in the South seat, turned to me saying he wished he could ask me what he should bid. So, it sounded like a problem….and it... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Apr 2023

    An important lead. A lead problem for you today as we feature another key board from the third round of the Trans -Tasman Challenge. It’s OK. After a long competitive sequence, there are only four suits from which to choose!  ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Apr 2023

    Beware!  Alarm bells The third round of the Trans-Tasman Challenge took place last Friday evening with the Australian Senior 1 team still leading the way. The other team to have recorded three wins so far is the New Zealand Mixed 1,... read more here

  • Congratulations to our recenlty promoted Grand Masters

    15 Apr 2023

    Details here read more here

  • Congratulations to our recently qualified Club Directors

    14 Apr 2023

    Ron Baker - Thame Gadi Ben-Tal – Papatoeto Mark Buckley - Papatoeto Donna Chin - Karor Trish Clearwater - Marlboroug Helen Climo - Wellingto Laura Griffin - Hokowhit Adele Hughes - Waitemata read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Apr 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate, Novice players…and others! It’s Fri Day   Not in my Beginners’ Notes! The solution to today’s problem may surprise those who have been following NZ Bridge’s Beginners’... read more here

  • Trans Tasman Challenge 3

    14 Apr 2023

    Tonight 31st March. Remember this evening (8pm) is Round 3 of the Trans -Tasman Challenge. The kibitzing link below has a half hour delay. See our top players take on the Aussies in another 16 board match. The link is  2023... read more here

  • Baden Wilson Awards- Position year to date

    13 Apr 2023

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Apr 2023

    Nice one, Tony. Today, we celebrate one of the quiet workers of New Zealand Bridge, one of the most reliable of bridge personalities but one who shuns the limelight, Tony Morcom. For the whole of this century and many years before, Tony has... read more here

  • Ranks Report - 2023 Year to date

    13 Apr 2023

    Details here read more here

  • WBF Transnational Championships in Marrakech

    13 Apr 2023

        The World Bridge Federation  has shared the attached flyer about the two exciting Open events taking place in Marrakech during the second week of the World Team Championships. These give players an amazing opportunity to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Apr 2023

    Almost! Not Quite a Claim! We love to bid slams though we also like a simple route to the 12 or 13 tricks we need once we get to play one. Nothing too complex, please. Well, that was not quite the situation looking at today’s deal from the... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -241

    12 Apr 2023

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Top All Time Masterpoint Award Winners

    12 Apr 2023

    Updated 12 April 2023 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Apr 2023

    Pairs winners, Jeremy Fraser- Hoskin and Matt Brown with Regional President, Grant Jarvis. A Double for Matt. Congratulations to those successful in the Auckland Club’s Easter Congress. It was a particularly good weekend for Matt Brown,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Apr 2023

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice Players…and others. Winners and Losers. When you are defending, you would like to win tricks whenever you can, ideally to prevent the declarer from making their contract. However, success can come in... read more here

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